The Core Investor of ALSCON

Harnessing modern technology to fuel a nation

ALSCON employs the latest technology to make the process of refining bauxite ore and reducing alumina to aluminum more efficient and energy saving. Additionally, through research conducted at ALSCON’s on-site industrial laboratories, BFIGroup will define energy and environmental performance targets, identify technology barriers, and recommend areas of technology that are ripe for precompetitive, collaborative efforts among the industry, government and academia. Technological innovation also offers BFIG-ALSCON a dazzling array of sales opportunities in everything from new auto engines, to aircraft bodies, to building and construction applications, and packaging.


Generating expansive power- with nature in mind

ALSCON has become a vital link in Nigeria’s domestic gas utilization project to end all field gas flares. The power plant is based on six ABB gas turbo groups operated in single cycle. To satisfy the power requirement of the aluminum smelter, the power plant is operated with a minimum of four units. Accordingly, the existing gas capacity and gas turbines allows the full load operation of the power plant and the smelter process.

Moreover, ALSCON’s original operational concept allows for the capability to expand its power generating capacity to 940 – 1020 megawatts, as facilities for two gas turbine units are on ground and the complex can be equipped to operate in combined cycle mode. ALSCON’s excess power will then be evacuated to the national grid.


Embracing harbor and dredging opportunities

Marine specialists with a focus on harbor operations, sophisticated major dredging projects, pile driving, pipeline laying operations, inshore and platform installation and removals, and heavy marine or civil turnkey contracting projects will be commissioned as part of the expansion plans. BFIG-ALSCON has invited the Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company LLC of the United States and Dredging International NV of Belgium to price and execute the dredging project.

Because of its proximity to Malabo, Onitsha and several offshore platforms, and given that approximately 30% of the registered vessels in the area are European- ALSCON’s harbor maintains the potential to serve as a leading trade terminal. Within the BFIG-ALSCON harbor, we will to service legal fishing vessels, provide shipping yard services such as Nigerdock, and initiate commercial ferry service for trucks, lorries and cars from Lagos to the south.

ALSCON is one of the greatest undertakings in the history of the Continent of Africa. A city and series of major industrial complexes in its own right- ALSCON will be a major aluminum producer for sub-Sahara Africa, serve as a vital link in Nigeria’s domestic gas utilization project to end all field gas flares, provide state of the art medical care for the entire West African Region, and meet the growing demand for reliable mobile and network operations.

Establishing advancements in accessible healthcare

The ALSCON medical department has three isolated clinics and a fully equipped 200 bed hospital. These include modern operating theaters, x-ray section, medical laboratories, central pharmacy, dental treatment room and medical staff offices. The medical facilities are available to both ALSCON staff and the surrounding community. Upon handover, BFIG-ALSCON will develop a modern JCI accredited medical center that will serve as a catalyst for state of the art medical care for the entire West African Region, supported by medical affiliations with well-known institutions such as Harvard, Johns Hopkins and the University of California.


Production of aluminum

Aluminum is one of the few products that truly impacts every community in the world- either through physical plants and facilities, recycling, heavy industry or consumption of consumer goods. The top markets for the industry are transportation, beverage cans and other packaging, along with building materials.

Rolling mills and extrusion industries will no longer be required to source their raw materials through importation, which will allow them to lower their production costs and lessen prices for finished products. 


Improving social And community relations

In recognition of the difficulties of public education in the area- ALSCON International School must be expanded to benefit the society in which it conducts business, and must not be exclusive for management’s expatriate employees. A foremost consideration of BFIG-ALSCON management is the value of education to assist the children of ALSCON employees to obtain the highest education level available, and to help attract highly qualified experts as needed whose families will reside at the ALSCON townships.

Good community relations are very important to BFIG-ALSCON. They are central to BFIG-ALSCON’s long-term commitment to the local and regional communities. As an African group, we already consider ourselves a part of the community and will work aggressively to expand and enrich this relationship. In recognition of this, BFIG-ALSCON has maintained continuous contact with the traditional rulers of the area to discuss their concerns and expectations.


Production of Hospital and Medical Facilities

In recognition of the public health and inadequate medical facilities within the area- our board of advisors intends to tackle this issue very seriously, particularly with regards to enhancing the clinical and medical services available for the entire region as well to ALSCON staff and their families. Consequently our medical facility will be reviewed for commercialization, with the long term goal of expanding its capabilities to support a state of the art medical center. BFIG-ALSCON intends to position this medical center as a destination for Nigerians and others to seek western standard healthcare. This would include, but not be limited to, preparing the facility for Joint Commission International Accreditation, quality monitoring, on-going doctor and medical staff recruitment and credentialing, education, training and telemedicine services.

All equipment and supplies to be selected will reflect the latest in technology in order to enhance best medical practices and standards. Only vendors who can provide reliable and prompt equipment service will be considered. In most instances, this will mean that the company will have engineering and repair staff based in close proximity to ALSCON. Another example of BFIG-ALSCON facilitating the creation of ancillary employment opportunities.